Must Have Supplies For Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponic Gardening Supplies

You may think that hydroponic gardening is reserved for advanced gardeners or commercial farmers, but that isn’t the case. You can rely on this soil-less method of farming for staple food. All you need to know is the right supplies for hydroponic gardening. Below are must have supplies for hydroponic gardening:

1. Support Structure

There are two main reasons why you’ll require a support structure. You can use a section of wire mesh or basket to support the growing plants. On the other hand, you’ll require a vessel for your plant roots to suspend into. Before deciding on a suitable support structure, determine the size of your garden and the type of the plant. Always ensure you create an enclosure that’ll reduce the rate of moisture evaporation.

2. Water Pump

Unlike the wicking system, a hydroponic gardening system requires a water pump. When it comes to this mode of farming, a water pump is the only machine that you’ll need to grow your plants. You can secure a high-quality water pump at a budget-friendly price. Other factors that you should consider when choosing the right water pump for your hydroponic garden include GPM discharge capacity, type of water pump, maximum head lift, and vertical suction lift.

3. Nutrient Solution

The nutrient solution is a fundamental item that you’ll need in your hydroponic garden. Choose a nutrient solution that suits the type of plants you intend to grow. In addition, ensure you pick a high-end solution. The quality of a nutrient solution determines its longevity.

4. pH Testing Kit

In a hydroponic system, plants are submerged in water; therefore, it’s important to determine the pH level. Low pH level is associated with various signs and symptoms of plants. Some of these signs include leaf necrosis, stunted growth, blossom end rot, leaf chlorosis, brown spots on leaves, twisted leaves, and withered leaves. Different types of plants require different pH levels. Approximately, most plants will flourish in an environment with 6.0 to 7.0 pH levels.

5. Aeration

Aeration is an important aspect that determines the growth and development of plants. Based on science, plants rely on good air circulation to survive. Therefore, use the right aeration method to ensure there’s enough oxygen in the nutrient solution. For smaller hydroponic garden systems, empty and refill the container with the solution. On the other hand, use an air bubbler for larger systems. Air bubbler will play a vital role in improving oxygen in the nutrient solution.

6. Aggregate

There’s an array of materials that can be used as aggregate in a hydroponic gardening system. Some of the common types of hydroponic aggregates include perlite, wood shavings, gravel, sand, vermiculite, Rockwool, and peat moss. Hydroponic aggregates don’t enrich the solution. In addition, choose a suitable aggregate that will provide support to the growing plants.

7. Seedlings or Plants

Plants or seedlings are the most important factors to consider when designing a hydroponic gardening system. Some of the things you should consider when deciding on the right seedlings or plants include the size of the seedlings, the size of your structure, and environmental conditions. If you’re a newbie in hydroponic gardening, consider planting seedlings rather than sowing.

8. Water Reservoir

A hydroponic gardening system requires a water reservoir to store water and nutrient solutions. Choose a water reservoir that will suit your needs. There are certain aspects you should consider when buying a water reservoir, such as the size of the water reservoir, the purpose of the water tank, the material of the reservoir, the capacity of the water tank, and the size of the storage space.

9. Light

Hydroponic gardening systems are ideal for both outdoor and indoor. Light is an essential aspect that supports the growth and development of plants. Therefore, you should invest in artificial light, especially if you’re opting for an indoor garden. You can either use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs as long as they provide enough light from the blue and red range of the visible light spectrum.

10. Container

Regardless of the type of hydroponic gardening system, you’ll need a container to hold the nutrient solution. Many homemade hydroponic systems use water troughs, storage containers, and kiddie pools. The material of the container is a key aspect to consider. Ensure you choose a material that’ll block light. In addition, the material of the container should be watertight.

11. Tubing

Currently, tubes are inexpensive and easy to find. This is because there’s stiff competition in the plumbing industry. The main purpose of the tube is to move water and nutrient solution from the reservoir to the root basin. Choose tubes with appropriate diameters. In addition, ensure your tubes are perfectly fitted to reduce the risk of leakages. Below are some of the factors that you should consider when choosing tubes for hydroponic gardening:

– Compound compatibility

– Tubing material

– Air permeability

– Kink resistance

– Cost

– suitability for implantation


Other essential supplies include a growing medium. If you’re opting for the hydroponic gardening system, invest in the above-mentioned supplies. Based on research, there are numerous benefits of hydroponic gardening, such as fewer chemicals, saving space, water conservation, growing indoors, healthier plants, faster growth, nutrient control, no weeds, no soil erosion, and bigger yields.


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